[arm-allstar] How to disable DTMF?

Larry Mollica qjf5cqutzp at liamekaens.com
Wed Apr 17 08:12:04 EDT 2024

I don’t know what your situation is, but one trick I like to use on functions that I don’t want controllable via radio DTMF but still want access to via the shell or Supermon, is to insert a letter between E thru Z at the start of the command in rpt.conf. Eg:

EB1=cmd,/usr/local/sbin/halt.sh 28855	; Halt the system (linux total shutdown)

The above will not be possible to activate via DTMF on a radio interface, but may be accessed from supermon: “*eb1” [DTMF] 
or the shell: asterisk -rx "rpt fun *eb1"
Case is insensitive.

For that matter you can spell out words if you like, as long as they don’t start with A thru D, e.g.:

…Making them appear in a friendlier fashion when say editing supermon controlpanel.ini:
labels[] = "Disable Tailmessage"
cmds[] = "rpt fun %node% *TAILMESSAGE-DISASBLE"

Larry   AD6G

> On Apr 10, 2024, at 9:03 AM, Rusty Travis via ARM-allstar arm-allstar-at-hamvoip.org |HamVOIP| <7i5yut7hp95q5rt at sneakemail.com> wrote:
> How do I disable DTMF control of my hamvoip node, please?
> Thank you.
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