[arm-allstar] AutoSky Help

Dave Petrie wa2kjc at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 12:01:04 EDT 2024

try this one for Flint Michigan, let me know if you need more help


I set my AutoSky.ON and AutoSky.OFF to playback with my node
so i can hear the announcement using a connection like iaxrpt or voip.

for Ni in $NODE ; do
/usr/bin/asterisk -rx "rpt playback 40039 $BASEDIR/SOUNDS/alerts-on"

i also changed all the "rpt localplay $Ni ???? whatever is after $Ni is
left alone
but the localplay is changed to playback and the $Ni is replaced with my
node number

i did this for a club in New Mexico per their request and everyone is happy,
i would not suggest this change if you connect to other nodes with
different storm alert areas


On Sun, Apr 7, 2024 at 11:17 AM Darrell Black via ARM-allstar <
arm-allstar at hamvoip.org> wrote:

> I sent this question out this morning but didn't see it in the thread
> list...sending again.
> I am following the documentation provided at HAMVOIP
> https://hamvoip.org/howto/AutoSky_howto.pdf
> When you get to creating the alert link, the link has changed from the
> documentation and now includes "API" in the path. Does this mean I need to
> have some type of key installed for it to work?
> I had it running now for about 18 hours and we did have weather come by
> overnight. There is no alerts listed in my log file "AutoSky-log.txt"
> Here is my OPFILE link::
> OFILE="https://api.weather.gov/alerts/active.atom?zone=MIC093"
> --
> Darrell Black AEC
> (517) 917-2226
> GigaHacker at gmail.com
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/darrellblack
> 73 de W8DSB
> "In God we trust, all others we monitor"
> A.R.S. W8DSB
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