[arm-allstar] node fails boot at - random: crng init done

Jeff Jurenka ayrton.productions at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 15:35:23 EDT 2023

Is this group working anymore? I have 5 nodes now that have developed this
problem over the past 3 months and about 1000 mile loop to get to each of
them to resolve this issue. I can not power cycle any of my nodes without a
site visit and re-imaging a new flash card. Even a "NO, I haven't seen that
kind of issue - we can't help" would help

On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 3:55 PM Jeff Jurenka <ayrton.productions at gmail.com>

> Has anyone ever seen and then resolved an issue with a failure to complete
> the boot process?
> This issue started after a prolonged house power outage.
> Boots until the following message
> *random: crng init done*

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