[arm-allstar] Freature Request: eannmode, CallSign Announced Non-Phonetically

ve3rwj at winsystem.org ve3rwj at winsystem.org
Wed Nov 29 10:00:17 EST 2023

Currently, the three possibilities for EchoLink Announcement Mode in
rpt.conf are:


1 = Say only node number on echolink connects. 

2 = say phonetic call sign only on echolink connects. 

3 = say phonetic call sign and node number on echolink connects.


Please add an option to Say only call sign on echolink connects. IN other
words, regular letter announcement, no phonetics.


I like knowing the call sign of the station connecting, but Alison, saying,
each, letter, phonetically, is more ponderous than a traffic net.

Thank you for considering this option.




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