[arm-allstar] ID questions

Patrick Perdue borrisinabox at gmail.com
Tue May 23 04:55:59 EDT 2023


To force the node to ID every X minutes as defined by idtime, regardless 
of if the node is idle or not, enable beaconing in rpt.conf.


To play it safe, set idtime=1800000, then enable beaconing... or do 
weird stuff.

Here's the scenario I'm thinking of. Tell me if I'm crazy. I just woke 
up and I didn't sleep well, so I tend to get weird ideas in this state.

set idtime to 0 such that app.rpt never actually automatically ID's. 
This will be controlled externally.

Then, I'm thinking loosely of a macro that is fired with the activity 
timeout in rpt.conf. This macro would create a file in /tmp, perhaps 
/tmp/id_check, then a script runs on cron looking for the existence of 
this file. If it exists, we assume the repeater hasn't been active in a 
while, set by the timer.

Fire the script every 30 minutes in cron.

If the /tmp/id_check file doesn't exist, which should occur if the 
repeater is active, or the inactivity timer hasn't timed out yet, ID as 
normal by executing asterisk -rx "rpt fun $NODE1 *80"

If /tmp/id_check does exist, then sleep for 30 or 60 minutes, then ID 
rather than doing so immediately.

When the repeater is active again, and the timer is reset, another macro 
is called. With this one, /tmp/id_check is deleted, and any running 
instance of the (probably) sleeping ID script is killed, so that the 
repeater ID's every 30 minutes. Otherwise, it will only ID once every 60 
or 90.

This is probably way overkill.

On 5/22/2023 4:03 PM, Chris via ARM-allstar wrote:
> Hi.
> We just added a Hamvoip node to our local repeater.
> In Canada, we need to ID every 60-90 minutes when the repeater is idol, but
> every 30 minutes or less when the repeater is active.
> Does idtime= set the idol timer? If so, what do I adjust to have a separate
> timer for when the machine is in use?
> If they can't be adjusted separately, I'll just set idtime=1800000 so it
> ID's every third minutes regardless so we aren't breaking any rules.
> Thanks for any clarification.
> Chris
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