[arm-allstar] Cleanest 13.6v to 5 volt conversion

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Fri Jun 23 13:37:35 EDT 2023

The LM2596S DCDC switchers operate at about 150KHz switching speed, I've 
never experienced any audio quality / USB noise issues at all with these.
Voltage regulation is excellent, even with swinging input voltage. If the 
swings are crazy erratic, adding  extra filter caps at the LM2596S board 
input might be in order.  I've used these boards mostly with 10V to 26V 

I'm not sure why an audiophile would recommend a 7805??  Even though it's 
a linear regulator, they're not what I would classify as a "quiet" 

At the price point of the LM2596S boards, get some and try them! ...I 
think you'll never look back--even for "serious" audiophile applications!

73, David K4FXC

On Fri, 23 Jun 2023, Josh Hatton wrote:

> Hey David Thanks again -
> I've read chatter where some audiophiles are running these very units at
> 7-8VDC, then following that with a 7805 regulator/stack of regulators.  I
> assume you've had no noise/whine issues out of these?
> I am trying to keep a Pi going that would flop over to battery backup if
> commercial power fails... If it's not a constant voltage (dwindling down
> over hours), would they pose a problem?
> Just talking through the scenario.

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