[arm-allstar] localplay/playback

Patrick Perdue borrisinabox at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 17:37:24 EST 2023


The answer to your first question is yes. If you use rpt playback, it 
will play to all connected nodes, including any larger networks your 
machine(s) may be connected to at any given time.

Your idea of using two rpt localplay commands one after the other will 
work as long as both nodes are on the same Raspberry Pi. If they are 
not, then have separate localplay events on each one set to fire at the 
same time, or use something like passwordless (key-based) ssh to fire 
events via SSH remotely from one Pi to another.

for example, once a key pair is shared between the two nodes such that a 
password isn't required, from node1:

$ ssh root at node2 /usr/bin/asterisk -rx "rpt localplay 56666 <thing_to_play>"

though really, it would be safer to use another username that has been 
modified to have access to Asterisk rather than root.



On 1/17/2023 3:40 PM, Dusty Smith via ARM-allstar wrote:
> Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to properly setup some announcements. Originally I had one node (my vhf repeater) and I just used the localplay command with my node number and would play announcements that way. Worked great. I have now added a second node (my UHF repeater). The second is hosted at a different / remote location on it's own raspberry pi. Currently I have tested and it's working, using the playback command instead of localplay. It goes out "globally" to both my nodes (I have my vhf and uhf linked together). My concern is this....if one of my systems happens to be connected to some other remote node at the time the announcement queues up to play, will this command cause it to play the announcement in a truly global fashion, out to ALL connected nodes?
> For instance, my systems (we'll call them VHF and UHF)...... if VHF is connected to UHF and then a user has connected VHF to the east coast reflector for example....then both my repeaters VHF and UHF are communicating on the reflector as well. The VHF decides to play an announcement with playback command....will everyone connected to the reflector also hear my message or will it just play to "MY NODES?"
> If that will cause it to play out to the reflector as well....what would be the proper configuration to not have that happen and have it only play on my personal nodes? My thought would be to setup two entries in my script....one with localplay xxxxx node1    and another with localplay xxxxx node2 and just play them "separately" like that. Regardless, someone with more information please advise, the help will be much appreciated!!!
> Dusty Smith
> -W4MSI-
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