[arm-allstar] Script to disconnect and disable repeater

Keynon Lannom keynon at lannom.net
Mon Feb 20 22:36:58 EST 2023

I am sure this has been asked before...but I could not find the answer...so
here goes. Recently, I had some noise getting into one of my repeater nodes
and I found that I could issue the "rpt cmd %node% cop 3" command and it
would disable the repeater TX...but it did not disconnect existing links.
So the noise was still transmitting down the link connections. My thought
process was to create a favorite that could be executed that would
disconnect all links and then disable the repeater, but I was unable to
figure out how to call multiple cmds via one favorite. I saw a post asking
to do this and the recommendation was to create a script and call it via a
function...and that is where I was lost. So how does one create the script?
How is it called via a function? And last...is there a better way of doing
this? All of my repeaters are simply running the Pi connected directly to
the repeaters so I have no other controller to handle these capabilities.

Thanks in advance,
Keynon - KB5GLC

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