[arm-allstar] remote radio programming

Patrick Perdue borrisinabox at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 17:02:34 EDT 2022

I have a Kenwood TM-D700A connected to a Raspberry Pi 3 model B running 
HamVoIP in North Carolina, which I'm using as a remote base. I would 
like to reprogram the remote radio using the RTSystems programmer from a 
local Windows machine. I found a knowledge base article on forcing the 
RTSystems software to a specific COM port.


I have com0com installed on a Windows machine along with the RTSystems 

I found this, which includes instructions for serving a physical com 
port via TCP to the remote null modem emulator.


There are other methods as well.

For those who have done remote serial programming like this, using 
HamVoIP as a server, what setup have you used to tunnel the serial port 
(/dev/ttyUSB0) over TCP? I don't have  a VPN, so I would need to forward 
a TCP connection through the NAT at the remote location.

Thanks and 73


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