[arm-allstar] MAJOR HamVoIP UPDATE 1.7.0-01 RELEASED---Where is it???

am_fm_radio at yahoo.com am_fm_radio at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 26 13:11:40 EST 2021

I just downloaded the "latest release at hamviop.org.. Under "Downloading the image".....where it says: 
The latest images are available here--- 

According to the file name I downloaded; it showed up in my download sub-directory as...RPi2-3-4_V1.6-14_Allstar.exe
and the readme file downloaded as :hamviop_1.5_Allstar_README.pdf...
STOP -- do not collect $200.......It's not 1.7.0-01 !!!

What is this telling me? Seems the web site is not updated, so how can it be called "Released"...
Side note-- I know you Rocket scientists miss the little things us mere mortals find frustrating..
Once in the late 1990's I was working at NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center and in the parking lot was a nice Honda CIVIC with a for Sale sign on it.. I saw it there for over a week.. Well the sign said FOR SALE but did not have a contact name or number..The security guards did not know who it belonged to. It would be gone by 7pm every day.. 
Well, I finally left a note on the windshield.. It turned out the owner was  a very famous PhD rocket scientist, he contacted me and said, "I was wondering why no one was offering to buy my Honda"... Well I bought it, the wife drove it over a year and we actually sold it f or more than we paid for it.. But he never thought to add a number when he put the for sale sign on it..It's those little things.....

So where is the new release???
Larry W8LM

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