[arm-allstar] Overkill Controller Setup

Mike Sullivan kn4imu at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 07:52:12 EST 2021

I'm planning on putting up a repeater using two mobile radios and a Pi with
Hamvoip and a RIM-Lite Maxtrac-RM interface. I know Hamvoip is designed to
be used with micro SD cards with limited writes to the card itself, but
would there be any harm in taking it a step further and using a case that
utilizes a M.2 SSD instead to guarantee reliability? I know it's way
overkill, but is there anything that will be affected other than my pocket
by doing this? I have a non-ham setup using a Pi 4 with an Argon ONE case
and M.2 SSD running Windows 10 that has been working flawless since


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