[arm-allstar] New to Allstar. Problem connecting to certain nodes

Karl F. Krueger kb2fa at olias.com
Fri May 29 13:24:46 EDT 2020

Thank you Doug, David, and Bryan for the welcome and information.

David, I ran the CLI command you recommended and received the
following results:

raspi3ap1*CLI> rpt lookup 2135

Node: 49328, Method: DNS, Actual:   DNS, Data:
radio at,
Node:  1999, Method: DNS, Actual:   DNS, Data:
radio at,

I am not sure why there are two responses, one for my node 49328 and
one for 1999

I also tried waiting after booting the node 30 minutes, then one and
then two hours, waiting did not help.


I ran the two commands you mentioned and got the same results.

[root at raspi3ap1 asterisk]# dns-query 49328
+OK|radio at,
[root at raspi3ap1 asterisk]# dns-query 2135
+OK|radio at,

Since the error message mentions “slow response”, are there any time
out parameters that I should try increasing?

I also doubt that I am blocked, also, the parrot node gives me the same

Looking forward to your information on a Hamvoip registration.

Thanks and 73,

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