[arm-allstar] echolink configuration questions

Patrick Perdue borrisinabox at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 02:08:25 EST 2019


I set up my echolink today, which I will use very sparingly, as I've 
never liked it's audio quality much. There are some repeaters in my old 
home state that are only available there.

Everything is set up and working on my primary node. I'd rather connect 
it to a private node using the psuedo driver, but that's harder to make 
outbound connections. I've read some of the posts on that. I'll work on 
that later.

For now, I have two questions.

1. What does the recfile directive in echolin.conf actually do? Is this 
the file that is played to connected users, or something else? I can't 
find any real documentation about it.

2. What are generally recommended gain settings for Echolink? I heard 
talk of this on the east coast reflector last week sometime, but wasn't 
paying too much attention. I remember the values -5 and 4, but I could 
be wrong, and don't know which matches rx and tx.

3. Is there a way to introduce a high pass or band pass filter between 
echolink and allstar? I am finding that some clients, particularly those 
who connect with iPhones 8 and newer, don't have optimal processing for 
Echolink. Ultimately, this is something that the Echolink app developer 
can fix by using a different audio profile, but I doubt that will 
happen. So, if at all possible, I'd like to cut everything from about 
300 hz down out of the incoming audio from Echolink. I suppose I could 
do something weird, like using DVSwitch between two nodes on the same 
machine, and bridge through A_B rather than connecting the nodes 
together in a more conventional way, but that's a bit round-about.

Thanks and 73


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