[arm-allstar] troubleshooting two nodes that can't connect

larry larry at n7fm.com
Sat Nov 9 14:38:38 EST 2019

Patrick ....Might I ask, Have you checked these things on the nodes that 
will not connect?

Check your iax.conf file...

bindport= 4569 make the second nodes server be a different iax port 
number (ie 4568)

Assign different iax bindport port numbers for each different server on 
the same LAN. Set Port Forwarding in your router to forward incoming 
traffic to the proper IP for each of those assigned ports.

Nodes will not connect inbound if the individual node's iax port is not 
correct. You can connect outbound to other nodes but incoming connects 
will fail.

Also in many instances ... if running multiple Servers with nodes on the 
same LAN you need enlightened rpt.conf [nodes] section on each node of 
the opposite nodes existence. (Some router don't need this but most do.)

; Note, if you are using automatic updates for allstar link nodes,
; no allstar link nodes should be defined here. Only place a definition
; for your local (within your LAN) nodes, and private (off of allstar
; link) nodes here.

50663 = radio at,NONE
1999 = radio at,NONE
50531 = radio at 192.168.x.x:4568/50531,NONE -192.168 x.x = your LAN IP

On the 50531 nodes Server add needed info for 50663 at the bottom of 
it's rpt.conf [nodes] section if you haven't already done this.

Restart Asterisk  astres.sh or reboot each server for their changes to 
take effect.

See if that helps.

Larry - N7FM

On 11/9/19 9:30 AM, "Patrick Perdue via ARM-allstar" wrote:
> 50631 is directly connected to the internet. The other two are behind 
> NAT, and I don't think they work inbound anyway. 50631 definitely 
> should, though.
> On 11/9/2019 10:41 AM, "Tony Ross via ARM-allstar" wrote:
>> All 3 nodes exist in the database:
>> # grep -E "50663|50631|50531" /var/log/asterisk/astdb.txt
>> 50531|N1JBC|433.500|Barrington RI
>> 50631|blind hams hub|<None>|Newark, NJ
>> 50663|NE5V|<None>|Liberty Hill, Tx
>> However, my node is unable to link to any of them, causing me to 
>> suspect that none of them have UDP port 4569 forwarded through their 
>> routers to them.
>> On 11/9/19 2:52 AM, "Patrick Perdue via ARM-allstar" wrote:
>>> Hi all:
>>> I have a stock ASL running in the cloud, which I'm using as a 
>>> multi-mode bridge. For the most part, this is working well, but at 
>>> least two (probably more) Hamvoip (clear node) boxes can't connect to 
>>> my node, 50631.
>>> app_rpt.c:22685 rpt_exec: Reported node 50531 cannot be found!!
>>> app_rpt.c:20352 rpt_exec: Reported node 50663 cannot be found!!
>>> So far, these are the only two nodes that show up this way in the log.
>>> The common denominators are that they are both newish nodes, and they 
>>> are both clear nodes. Other than that, I don't know what else to look 
>>> for. 50663 has been active for less than 24 hours, but 50531 has been 
>>> around for a while, and has never been able to connect to my 50631 in 
>>> the nearly two weeks it's been operational.
>>> When I first brought the node online, 50531 reported not being in the 
>>> database. So, I updated the database, and now it's just "not found!" 
>>> So, I assume the problem is somewhere between my node and Asterisk's 
>>> DNS. IAX2 show registry suggests that all is well.
>>> ASL_Box*CLI> iax2 show registry
>>> Host                  dnsmgr  Username    Perceived Refresh State
>>>      Y       50631 60 Registered
>>> ASL_Box*CLI>
>>> I have a cron running astdb.php every morning at 3:01.
>>> What else can I look for?
>>> Thanks and 73
>>> de
>>> KE4DYI
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