[arm-allstar] How to Set Up a Kenwood TS-2000 as a Remote Base

John john.chartkoff at protonmail.com
Sun Feb 17 22:04:02 EST 2019

Greetings to the group,

I am using a RPi2 running Hamvoip 1.5rc19, and attempting to configure a Kenwood TS-2000 as a remote base, but am not sure how Allstar is configured to control the radio itself through its TTY port.

I am able to control the radio using Hamlib rigctld, bit not sure the best way to translate DTMF commands from the Allstar user to set the various parameters on the TS2000.

Is there an organic way to do this from within Allstar, using its remote-base function, or do I need to write DTMF function macros to execute shell commands to rigctld to change parameters, and then use the URi interface for audio and PTT? But then isn't it the same as a regular (non remote-base) node?

So I believe my basic question is: in remote-base mode, how do the various incoming DTMF control codes get translated to the rig control data stream and where does that present itself on the node?

Any theory of operation for the remote base functionality would be most appreciated.

John N1CTF

John R. Chartkoff
Columbus, Ohio
Cell: 850-902-1147

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