[arm-allstar] Programming Controller via Allstar

Mike Sullivan kn4imu at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 21:51:57 EST 2019

First off, Merry Christmas to all in the group, and I hope Santa brings you
the radio you've been wanting.

I had a brain wave today (or maybe a brain fart). I know Allstarlink allows
the passage of DTMF from other nodes.. is it possible to combine this
capability with, say, the programming software for a controller that allows
programming via DTMF over a radio? For example, we use an RC210 controller
for our repeater, and while I do have a computer on site I use for
programming as needed, it would be nice to have a computer at the house
with a "programming" node, and be able to send it thru Allstar to the node,
which forwards it to the controller for programming.

I know, very complicated sounding, but I'm curious if one of us madmen have
ever attempted such a project.


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