[arm-allstar] The Quantar and AllStar

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Wed Oct 24 13:16:12 EDT 2018

What about obtaining a CTCSS decode active signal from the dual-mode 
Quantar when the RX is in analog mode??  (just curious!)

73, David KB4FXC

On Wed, 24 Oct 2018, "Clint (WB3EHB) via ARM-allstar" wrote:

> What you are attempting to do on and with P25 out of a Quantar will not 
work without utilizing a radio interface.The P25 NX approach  is the 
best way.Keep in mind there is no COS in the digital stream. The is a bit 
in the stream that tell the other radio to unmute. The data stream would 
have to the the tell the Allstar software that I want to send data to the 
internet, that I have a P25 packet to be sent, telling the opposite side 
to send a COS command and unmute the radio.To get close. You need a V.24 
card on your Qusntar and a bit of magic.To better assist.. look to N4IRS 
and Allstar for P25 bridging to Analog.It can be done, but it is not 
cooking cutting for the solution.

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  On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 1:56, David McGough via ARM-allstar<arm-allstar at hamvoip.org> wrote:   

Hi Bill,

Here are a some possible ideas to ponder.

First, can the Quantar be programmed to just assert an "analog-mode" COS
signal, and leave this signal inactive when in P25 mode?? If this won't  
work, what about getting a CTCSS decoded signal from the Quantar?? Then,  
I would think that should effectively tell you it's in analog mode. Just  
attach the COS and CTCSS signaling to the URI and use both for telemetry.

One somewhat kludgey method of linking P25 to AllStar would be to use a
surplus mobile rig as the interface between P25 and AllStar. That separate
rig would perform the P25 functions, AMBE audio coding and provide the
control telemetry needed for AllStar.  I have seen this method used even 
in various municipal systems as a bridge from digital to analog.

73, David KB4FXC

On Tue, 23 Oct 2018, "William Freeman via ARM-allstar" wrote:

> Quick question for the brain trust, but will provide a little background to
> make answers and possible brainstorming easier.
> We are currently running a mixed-mode P25/analog Quantar. The analog side
> is currently linked in on AllStar. We would like to ultimately link the P25
> into the AllStar side via the URI and Pi, but have not found a way to do
> that (every time I've asked the question, I always get suggestions on how
> to link to P25NX, but not AllStar which all that we are interested in).
> Now for the question: Is there a way to modify the routing tables to
> prevent the Quantar from telling the URI/Pi that the repeater is keyed when
> in P25 mode ONLY? When users are using P25, the AllStar has a dead carrier
> key-up (which goes out over the network to other repeaters) while the P25
> user is keyed-up. Once the user finishes transmitting, the Pi sends the
> courtesy tone indicating that someone was using the repeater locally.
> Thanks in advance for the suggestions.
> Bill N4NJJ


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