[arm-allstar] Easier way to effect HamVoip updates?

Don Backstrom - AA7AU z-armallstar at deliberate.net
Wed Mar 7 14:18:43 EST 2018

On Wed 07-Mar-18 10:52, "Doug Crompton via arm-allstar" wrote:
>   The whole idea of the updates as you know is so that one could update over
> the Internet and not have to image or re-image SD cards.

	A great approach and certainly appreciated. I can't imagine trying to 
*attempt* to drive up to the top of Baldy at 9000' in East Central Idaho 
right now to change out a new updated MicroSD card - can't even get 
there until mid-May at the earliest. (I do have to watch out for remote 
menu option #16).

> We will be
> updating the static image at hamvoip.org soon and this will at least put
> new users close to the latest updates.

	Great news.

	I am *really* looking forward to your new DNS lookup approach and have 
been promoting it in the several AllStar/HamVoip tech sessions I've done 
in the recent past. Also, I understand it's not under your control but 
do wonder if the <node>.asnode.org DDNS approach will be going away?

	On a tech note: I wonder if it would make sense to hard-code a couple 
of "hosts" entries in your new image for whichever domains you need 
access to for first-time updates so that external DNS problems might be 
avoided at least for the first time stuff. You could delete those "host" 
entries as first-time finishes up or whatever. I know hard-coding is 
generally a bad idea, but you could also first test those and then if 
they fail have a look-around using your current DNS approach if they are 
no longer current. Just a half-baked idea. More code but perhaps more 

> Dave and I have had this discussion many times. It has always been and I
> think will remain our idea to not force updates

	Absolutely. Make it easy but not mandatory.

> I will talk to Dave and maybe we can come up with some
> ideas on how to make it more accessible and also still reliable.

	Hope so. Thanks again,

	- Don - AA7AU

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