[arm-allstar] Free tech support?

Don Backstrom - AA7AU z-armallstar at deliberate.net
Sun Apr 1 12:26:43 EST 2018

On Sat 31-Mar-18 19:29, "Doug Crompton via arm-allstar" wrote:
> I put the thingamabob inside the whatchamacallit, turned the doohickey and
> the wuteveritis still doesn't work.

	Hey Doug, after years and years doing tech support, that sounds 
*extremely* familiar. That's the exact same problem my a lot of my users 
reported to me (grin).  Didn't matter whether the wuteveritis was SAE or 

	I remember one where the (accounting software) report was simply "the 
checks are broke" - turns out she forgot the [check] printer's power 
plug back into the wall.

	As always, thanks for all the you have done, and continue to do, here. 
Folks need to remember to appreciate the quality of the on-going *free* 
tech support and do all that they can to describe, in proper detail, the 
issues with which they're struggling (after doing reasonable research 

	Happy April fools!

	- Don - AA7AU	(ex-propeller head)

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