[arm-allstar] Online Forum

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Fri Sep 29 15:59:51 EST 2017

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for this info, but, for now, I think we're happy with continuing to 
use the mailman software for mailing list management. This current 
software is about as low-maintenance as it gets, from an administrative 

73, David KB4FXC

On Fri, 29 Sep 2017, "Patrick R via arm-allstar" wrote:

> I posted a message and haven't had a official response back but it seems 
> that QRZ.com would be OK with you guys using their forum system.
> The current threads are located at... 
> https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?forums/echolink-irlp-tech-board.76/
> I've requested that IRLP, EchoLink and AllStar have their own sub 
> folders for forum threads. So we'll see how things go but having a 
> online forum would make things easier to follow and since it's hosted by 
> QRZ which is already amateur radio affiliated, that means you don't have 
> to worry about maintenance and 99% of the registered users are 
> registered operators.
> So if you are interested, as I'm sure many other people are, there's 
> your maintenance free option that will allow other user such as myself 
> to help other users.
> We could also request a HAMVOIP ARM sub folder. Choice is yours.
> My other questions are...
> Are the instructions for the Text to Speech How-to still valid on 
> version 1.5+? I ran the installer, inserter my voice tts key but as soon 
> as I get to the editing of myid.txt I get a bit lost because I don't see 
> how the myid.ul file is automatically created, or rather it wasn't 
> created. So I'm sure I'm missing something.
> I plan to use the tts_voice for a weather alerts option so more detailed 
> alerts can be given.
> Second question is, I'm getting a error 2 when I run a USB-Backup. I'm 
> not sure what error 2 means. Question is, what does it mean? 
> Image-Backup works fine.
> Third Question is, is there a way to implement a sharing of the 
> "Favorites" from the SuperMon?
> Say Favorite 1 is *7001, 2 is *7002 and so on?
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> arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
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