[arm-allstar] I made corrections to my dtmf halt and reboot, but it still doesn't work.

kd4ont kd4ont at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 27 12:08:33 EST 2017

Thank you for your explanation. I was missing the * when trying to make a dtmf command and wait 10 seconds. 

-------- Original message --------
From: Doug Crompton via arm-allstar <arm-allstar at hamvoip.org> 
Date: 07/27/2017  03:01  (GMT-05:00) 
To: ARM Allstar <arm-allstar at hamvoip.org> 
Cc: Doug Crompton <wa3dsp at gmail.com> 
Subject: Re: [arm-allstar] I made corrections to my dtmf halt and reboot,
  but it still doesn't work. 

OK let me try and explain how this works.  There are several stanzas in
rpt.conf that can be defined on a per node basis. the functions stanza is
one of them. When you do the hamvoip setup it starts of with two nodes 1998
and 1999. Once setup 1998 becomes your assigned node, the one you specify
at setup. 1999 is there as a place holder for a possible second node and is
defined as a pseudo node meaning it is not connected to a radio.

Both your defined node  and the 1999 node point to one function stanza
further down in the rpt.conf file. Lets say your assigned node was 40000.
Here is how the function= would be defined in BOTH the 40000 and 1999 nodes
after setup.

                                ; Defines DTMF function digit sequences. A
                                ; function stanza has a reference to it
                                ; inside a node stanza. Multiple function
                                ; may be defined and used to provide
                                ; function lists for different sources
                                ; (radio.phone, and link)

So down below the node 40000 and node 1999 stanzas would be a single
functions stanza called -


This is where all the functions would be defined for BOTH 40000 and 1999.
As I mentioned above you can have different functions stanzas for each
node. This is usually not necessary but a nice feature if you need it. In
that case using these example nodes you would have two function stanzas
defined -

functions1999  and functions40000

Where you could customize what functions would be visible for each node.

So the bottom line is however you have the functions=functionsXXXX  defined
in each node stanza you must have a corresponding functionsXXXX stanza
where the actual definitions are made.

I am not sure if this answers you question but if you have the function
definitions defined like this in your functions stanza and the node is
pointed to it, it should work.

; Example functions to call scripts
; These are commented out. Remove ';' and change function
; command and node to your choice
; Note that halting the system remotely would require
; a power cycle to recover.
A1=cmd,/usr/local/sbin/sayip.sh 1998            ; Say local IP to radio
A3=cmd,/usr/local/sbin/saypublicip.sh 1998      ; Say Public IP to radio
B1=cmd,/usr/local/sbin/halt.sh 1998             ; Halt the system (linux
total shutdown)
B3=cmd,/usr/local/sbin/reboot.sh 1998           ; Reboot the system
B6=cmd,/usr/local/sbin/astres.sh                ; Restart Asterisk

In this case  DTMF *B3 would reboot the system.

You could use the asterisk client - ADMIN menu item 11 - to see the DTMF
digits you entered to see if they are correct. In the client you could also
enter a command directly -

rpt fun <node> *A1

should tell you your local IP address. Of course <node> is your actual node
number like 40000.

Use A1 or A3 to test as the other will interrupt what you see on the
screen. Both reboot and halt supply voice messages and a 10 second pause
before the action.

*73 Doug*


*http://www.crompton.com/hamradio <http://www.crompton.com/hamradio>*

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 2:17 AM, "kd4ont via arm-allstar" <
arm-allstar at hamvoip.org> wrote:

> I removed the <> like instructed. Poking through the rpt.conf, I noticed
> functions=functions <node number> twice. One in my first and only active
> node, and again in the second 1999 node. I manually typed tge suggested
> command line, as per scripts.pdf, just after [functions <node number>],
> after the second node info. Further down, just below the weather info,
> there were commented out commands to do what I wanted to. The ONLY
> difference in syntax was that I chose an alpha and three numericals before
> the equals sign in the command.
> I have no experience in linux cli. I'm ready to pull the trigger on a
> beginner cli and scripting book that seems to explain things well enough
> for me to understand.
> I can move around in cli, locate files, edit plain text in pico, but
> that's about it. My cli kung fu is weak so far.
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