[arm-allstar] ssh ver 1.5 error

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Sun Jan 29 08:37:21 EST 2017

Hi Bob,

It acts like putty is trying to connect to the wrong RPi3 port...Verify
that putty is connecting using port 222.

To confirm that you've got the correct IP address, try pointing a web 
browser to the RPi3--like:  ...You should see a web 
page like:


If you see this the web server is working. 

73, David KB4FXC

On Sun, 29 Jan 2017, "W2YMM via arm-allstar" wrote:

> I'm running into a setup issue.  I made the sd card and powered up the Pi3.
> I can hear my IP Address get announced at boot, I see the alarmpi in my
> router
> ( when I ssh from my home network using port 222 I get an
> error saying "Network error: Connection Refused"
> So I am unable to configure the node.
> Will have to try to find a monitor I can plug into the Pi..... Usually I
> configure through
> Putty or WinSCP.
> Just curious If anyone else is having this issue.
> May also try to make another sd card.
> Thanks
> Bob W2YMM
> Robert Prybyzerski Jr
> 631-960-1051
> http://www.w2ymm.com
> Allstar 28183,29973,40822.41899,43361,43934,43937
> IRLP 4265,8883
> Echolink 1224,21808
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