[arm-allstar] Thoughts...

Doug Crompton wa3dsp at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 23:30:18 EST 2017


 Great to hear about your success with our code and with your repeater. Our
goal is to make Allstar work better and we will be continuing to do things
to make it easier and more intuitive to use as well as adding many new
features. We also try to answer questions and help whenever we can.

My name often comes up because I often answer questions and write documents
for the project but many kudos go to Dave, KB4FXC whose code expertise has
made all this possible.

Best of luck with your new system.

*73 Doug*


*http://www.crompton.com/hamradio <http://www.crompton.com/hamradio>*

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 10:54 PM, "Dan Ozment via arm-allstar" <
arm-allstar at hamvoip.org> wrote:

> I first started tinkering with Allstar about a year ago. I had some
> success,
> but never got a node to the point at which I felt it was ready for prime
> time. Because of work commitments I put Allstar on a back burner and
> decided
> to wait for the 1.5 release. I was excited to hear that 1.5 was available,
> and finally got around to rebuilding my nodes last week. With all of the
> documentation that has been provided, the excellent script work, and the
> help of Doug and others on this list I must say setting up and configuring
> these nodes has been one of the most straight forward things I've done in
> the digital realm of ham radio. My hat is definitely off to Doug and others
> who contributed to this distribution and all of the documentation that
> comes
> with it!
> A few days ago our primary analog repeater had to be taken down due to a
> hardware problem. A resourceful bunch of hams in our ARES organization
> found
> a way to put the repeater pair back on the air in a temporary mode from
> someone's QTH.  However, our coverage area is smaller and a permanent link
> to our secondary repeater (which provides additional coverage in our area)
> is shut down.  Today, Allstar and I fixed that!  I have a node in my shack
> RF-connected to the primary repeater (there will never be internet access
> at
> that site, so we must use RF to get there), and a node at our secondary
> repeater site.  The secondary node is RF-connected to the repeater for the
> time being, but a cable is in the works to hard-wire the connection.
> Linking the two nodes together linked the two repeaters and gives us
> reasonable coverage.  The link is easily controllable by DTMF or from a
> command line.  And, putting it all together was very easy.
> We hams like to say we're prepared for that time "when all else fails".
> And, we often disparage the internet because we all know it is often one of
> the first things to go in a crisis.   However, the internet isn't always
> down. And, when it is available it is a great tool for our tool belt.  And,
> in the case of our local ARES organization, it combined with Allstar is
> doing a fantastic job in helping us maintain our excellent regional
> coverage
> while the issue with the primary repeater is resolved.
> Thanks to all who have contributed to this technology called Allstar!  I
> can
> hardly wait to show it off to others in my area and to see just how much
> better our coverage will be.
> 73
> Dan
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