[arm-allstar] Cannot Connect to Allstar Nodes

John wb5nfc at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 13:27:04 EST 2017

And... looks like I can only call out on Echolink (test server worked
great) but when someone tries to connect to me on Echolink:

-- Received OK from Echolink server server1.echolink.org
    -- Directory pgm done downloading(partial,compressed), 832 records
    -- new CALL=K0JXI,ip=,name=        Dale
  == Starting echolink/el0-1 at radio-secure,47911,1 failed so falling back
to exten 's'
  == Starting echolink/el0-1 at radio-secure,s,1 still failed so falling
back to context 'default'
    -- Sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default' on
    -- Executing [i at default:1] Hangup("echolink/el0-1", "") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (default, i, 1) exited non-zero on 'echolink/el0-1'
    -- new CALL=K0JXI,ip=,name=        Dale
  == Starting echolink/el0-2 at radio-secure,47911,1 failed so falling back
to exten 's'
  == Starting echolink/el0-2 at radio-secure,s,1 still failed so falling
back to context 'default'
    -- Sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default' on
    -- Executing [i at default:1] Hangup("echolink/el0-2", "") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (default, i, 1) exited non-zero on 'echolink/el0-2'
    -- Received OK from Echolink server server1.echolink.org
    -- Directory pgm done downloading(partial,compressed), 334 records

On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 10:49 AM, John <wb5nfc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Node 27911 shows up in green on the Allstar status page. I can connect to
> Echolink stations, but not to Allstar nodes.
> I see the error message: WARNING[431]: chan_simpleusb.c:1329 hidthread:
> select failed: Interrupted system call
> How do I troubleshoot?
> Thanks.
> John

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