[arm-allstar] Confusion question for Doug C

Larry larry at thunderbolt.net
Mon Apr 24 01:44:09 EST 2017

Hi Doug,

I have a comment about the channel driver wording in the rpt.conf on the 
latest 1.5 version..
While I was setting up a new node I was reading the comment below and my 
mind stumbled when I hit the "radioless node" portion

; Channel Driver settings
                                 ; Define a channel driver to use and which
                                 ; interface within that channel driver
                                 ; To define a radioless node use the
                                 ; psuedo channel driver - 

It dawned on me that because of your great HOW TO BUILD A RADIOLESS NODE 
if it weren't my first creation I might have confused the above setting 
and actually set the driver to rxchannel=dahdi/pseudo not realizing the 
intent was referring to something like a hub or pass through rather than 
your HOW TO for the radioless node which needs a usb sound driver.

Not trying to pic the nit just hoping to save someone unfamiliar from 
having trouble with a real external HOW TO Radioless node by selecting 
the wrong Channel Driver.
Perhaps adding "HUB" or something might prevent any confusion.

Love the configuration and ease of the new version by the way. Updates 
are a dream the way it works from the menu.
The commented documentation in the different config files is excellent 
also. Helping clarify settings and understand what they do.
I still have one heck of a time when 0 = ON and 1 = OFF. The 
documentation is a real plus in those instances.

Larry - N7FM

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