[arm-allstar] upnp

David Lang david at lang.hm
Wed Jun 8 13:18:18 EST 2016

On Wed, 8 Jun 2016, Greg Thornwall via arm-allstar wrote:

> I'm working on an Andriod App that I can control my Allstar node with my 
> smartphone. For now I have a place to type in the node # you want to connect 
> to and disconnect, show status and nodes connected. It does a ssh to the node 
> and runs any command or scripton the node. I have my IP and node number 
> hardwired for now. I need to finish the user parameters (node #, username, 
> passwd, ip address) from a settings menu. And I can also add a list of online 
> nodes that one could choose to connect to.
> I'm not sure how it would work if one is using the same smartphone as a 
> hotspotfor the mobile node? 192.168.1.x IP address?

If you are on the same network as the node (including using the smartphone as 
the hotspot), then you can use the private IP address of the node.

This is commonly 192.168.x.x, but can also be 10.x.x.x or 172.16.x.x-172.31.x.x

If you are using your smartphone as the hotspot, there should be a way to see 
what is tethered to it.

If you are on a hotel network, then you need to have the node report it's IP 

One way is to connect it to your hotel room TV (almost all of them will now have 
a HDMI input, and even more will have a composite input). Given that in these 
cases you frequently need to click through a portal to get to the Internet and 
enter a password and room number, this is probably a good thing to be prepared 
to do anyway.

Another way would be to have the node 'phone home' to some website, reporting 
the IP address(es) that it has, and then you could query that info from the 

A third way would be to create a second SSID on the mobile node with a fixed 
address (and hope that address doesn't conflict with the network it's on) and 
connect with that.

David Lang

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