[arm-allstar] Are these chan_iax2 warnings something I should be worried about?

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Wed Aug 3 12:15:53 EST 2016

Hi Tom,

These messages are debug info, for informational purposes. The reason
you're seeing them is due to the level of "verbosity" you've got set,
using multiple "-v" entries at asterisk start time or configured
elsewhere.  To get the IAX2 registration request messages, you're
verbosity is set to at least 5 (meaning starting asterisk with:
-vvvvv or equivalent)...These messages don't indicate any problem.

BTW, also see the CLI command:
*CLI> set verbose

or, for newer asterisk:
*CLI> core set verbose

There is also a debug setting for app_rpt proper, which is usually 

*CLI> rpt debug level

73, David KB4FXC

On Wed, 3 Aug 2016, Tom Whiteside via arm-allstar wrote:

> This is on a new installation on the version 1.02 code but I've seen these
> sorts of errors on my other nodes.   Everything connects just fine and seems
> completely functional but thought I'd ask.  If it is a problem, it is no
> doubt a cockpit error on my part.
> Tom N5TW

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