[arm-allstar] Cannot Connect to Echolink

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Sat May 23 17:40:11 EST 2015

Connection failed coming in or going out?  You know you have to do *3 and pad with 0's to 7 digits.


73 Doug

From: wb5nfc at gmail.com
Date: Sat, 23 May 2015 13:51:03 -0500
To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
Subject: Re: [arm-allstar] Cannot Connect to Echolink

Trying that again on a bigger keyboard...
Still unable to connect to Echolink. New rebuild of RPi2New SSD cardSwitched routersVPN connection of the node verified with curl ipechoping and traceroute work properlyDMZ'd the node IPAllstar node shows to be registeredecholink dbdump downloads node list, but "connection failed" each time
Any suggestions? 

On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 1:35 PM, John <wb5nfc at gmail.com> wrote:
Once again, I've run out of things to try. New rebuild 


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