[arm-allstar] systemd

gm4upx at gb7jd.co.uk gm4upx at gb7jd.co.uk
Fri May 22 07:09:14 EST 2015

> Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 23:28:27 +0000
> From: AD2DX <ad2dx at ad2dx.us>
> To: ARM Allstar <arm-allstar at hamvoip.org>
> Subject: Re: [arm-allstar] arm-allstar Digest, Vol 12, Issue
> 	51,firewall
> Message-ID: <4F6D1735-83C0-4030-BB37-B8144B7F92DB at ad2dx.us>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Ian,
>> From the PC, run the command tracert <IP_of_RPi2> to see where you get 
>> stuck. If your PC is Linux then its traceroute.
> Hope that helps.
> 73
> Joe Lauricella - AD2DX
> AD2DX at AD2DX dot US
> (Sent from my iPhone)
Hello Joe,

Got it sorted; it was my " restrictive " iptables causing the glitch ..

Never used systemd before; it looks to have a better way of finding 
errors, if only I'd known that earlier.


journalctl --since today _COMM=systemd

shows what's been happening with systemd since midnight last or if it 
went wonky between 09:30 and 12:30

journalctl --since 09:30 until 12:30

so these cmds save a lot of looking for me..

Onwards and upwards.



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