[arm-allstar] RPi2 sources

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Sat Mar 7 16:14:40 EST 2015

The board itself uses less than 1A but remember it has 4 USB ports onboard so if in the unlikely event you loaded each of them to the rated 1/2A you would be up close to 3A total.

I will have to measure it but my guess would be that this board draws less than the BBB as it runs considerably cooler. This is in the most conservative overclock mode though.

I would say in most cases a good 2A supply would be adequate.

73 Doug

Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 15:04:49 -0500
From: thorn at myactv.net
To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
Subject: Re: [arm-allstar] RPi2 sources


      Someone told me you need a 2A power supply. They had trouble with it not
              coming on with a 1A cellphone charger.


              73 Greg


    On 03/07/2015 02:56 PM, Doug Crompton


          Note that the RPi2 uses a microusb connector for 5V power.
            You will need a 5V 1-2A wall wart with a microusb connector
            or equivalent. This does not come with the board.




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