[arm-allstar] A simplified USB FOB modification

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Wed Jun 24 21:30:50 EST 2015

I was thinking about this some more and it had occurred to me to buy a bunch of the FOBS, modify them with the two leads and testing, then make them available for resale. The problem is I just don't have time to do it and deal with shipping and payment etc. I certainly would not be interested in making any money doing it. A qualified person could knock off 10-20 in an hour. If the purchase cost was $2.50 then maybe $5 plus shipping would be a reasonable price.

Perhaps there is someone out there that could volunteer to help with this on a case by case basis. The other thing you could do is make it a club project. Certainly there is one person in a club that would have the capability to do it. 

For me, it is my eye site, isn't as good as it use to be and
    everything has gotten way to small.

    Just finished up building a controller and had to use a 5x
    magnifier.  At least when you bread board stuff you can space things
    2 microns further apart than half an atom:)

    I think most hams are older now.  I don't see the younger crowd
    getting in to the hobby, sad to say.  So size of stuff is more
    important to me now.  As I wont tackle a project that requires a lot
    of smt components.



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