[arm-allstar] BBB or RPi2 as a HUB?

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Mon Jun 22 15:40:15 EST 2015


 There is no reason why the RPi2 could not handle the connections you describe especially if it was not also handling a radio. There is also nothing special about a "hub"  You would set it up as you would anyother node with the exception that you would not need to attach a radio. The two predefined nodes could stay as pseudo nodes. You would need to define node numbers (<2000) for each node and the nodes would need to know how to reach each otherwhich would be defined in the nodes section [nodes] of rpt.conf. They need to know the IP address or domain name of the nodes that are connect at both ends.
You would have to decide how the connections were made to the hub. Typically the outlying nodes would auto connect with a startup macro in a permanant connect mode. Then if the hub went down everyone would reconnect to it. It could also work in the opposite direction. As long as you have control over all the nodes it does not matter.

I hope that is clear but if you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask but I think it will work fine for you. 
73 Doug

> Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 12:31:20 -0600
> From: mike at mtweb.net
> To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
> Subject: [arm-allstar] BBB or RPi2 as a HUB?
> I have 3 repeater sites that all have private internet access back to 
> our primary internet site. Objective is to have all three repeater sites 
> being able to access each other even if the main Allstar web sight isn't 
> available. For example main fiber to us is cut but we still have a 
> private link to the repeaters.  Would like for the repeaters to still to 
> each other utilizing the hub if possible.
> Can the BBB or RPi2 board at the primary internet feed  be used as an 
> allstar hub for the 3 remote repeaters running on our private network?  
> Also, is there any information that can give me what I need to do to 
> make the hub?
> Thanks Mike
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> Visit the BBB web page - http://www.crompton.com/hamradio/BeagleBoneBlackAllstar/
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