[arm-allstar] Transmitter Disable

Dave Miller ve7pke at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 02:53:55 EST 2015

Thanks Doug,
Tom and I can now add some commands.  ;-)
It's starting to make some sense.  My DRA818's arrived today and I just ordered some CM119's on fleabay so I should be kept out of the bars for the next couple of weeks.  
Thanks for your prompt answers.  
This topic might be a nice how to on your website.  It was easy to find a list of all the commands but I did not stumble on where to edit things.  

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 24, 2015, at 11:37 PM, Doug Crompton <doug at crompton.com> wrote:
> Dave,
>  Commands are added in the functions section of rpt.conf
> [functionsxxxxx]     <<<< where xxxxx is the node number these definitions are assigned to.
> 1=ilink,1
> 2=ilink,2
> 3=ilink,3
> 4=ilink,4
> 5=macro,1
> etc.
>  This is an example showing the most common definitions - *1 through *5. You can look at the command list I sent and see that ilink,3 is the connect command and is assigned to 3 (*3). Look at the other commands in your current function list and you will see how they translate to actual commands from the ilink, cop, and status tables. So if you wanted to assign cop 7 and 8 you could do the following....
> 817=cop,7
> 818=cop,8
> Then *817 would execute the cop 7 command and *818 the cop 8 command.
> These are example codes, you just need to use DTMF codes that are not already assigned. The 8xx and 9xx areas are generally open although some are assigned so look at your rpt.conf to see what is already assigned. There are some commands that are commented (; before) in rpt.conf as examples. Feel free to add commands there. There is much flexibility in what you can do.
> Also be aware that modifying the /etc/rpt.conf will be overwritten if you were to run the setup command again. Best to make the modifications in both rpt.conf and in /usr/local/etc/asterisk_tpl/rpt.conf_tpl
> rpt.conf_tpl is the template file for building rpt.conf during setup.
> Whenever you change the config files you need to reload or restart Asterisk - astres.sh
> 73 Doug
> http://www.crompton.com/hamradio
> Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 22:39:30 -0800
> From: ve7pke at gmail.com
> To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
> Subject: Re: [arm-allstar] Transmitter Disable
> Doug,
> That is a cool set of commands.
> I have a questions that is probably really basic but cant seem to find an answer to it.
> so if I want to use cop 7  and cop 8 for instance.
> Using the standard BBB image what do I have to do?
> hitting *7 or *8 when connected to the node does nothing.
> I see in my reading there are a commands that are required.
> *1,2,3,4, *70 and *99.
> Where do we find these and where do we add extra functions?
> Thanks
> Dave
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 6:51 PM, Doug Crompton <doug at crompton.com> wrote:
> Tom,
>  There are MANY commands to control things in Allstar... The status and COP, and ilink commands are what you want to look at. Here is a quick list but it is not up to date.
> * status cmds:
>  *
>  *  1 - Force ID (global)
>  *  2 - Give Time of Day (global)
>  *  3 - Give software Version (global)
>  *  11 - Force ID (local only)
>  *  12 - Give Time of Day (local only)
>  *
>  * cop (control operator) cmds:
>  *
>  *  1 - System warm boot
>  *  2 - System enable
>  *  3 - System disable
>  *  4 - Test Tone On/Off
>  *  5 - Dump System Variables on Console (debug)
>  *  6 - PTT (phone mode only)
>  *  7 - Time out timer enable
>  *  8 - Time out timer disable
>  *  9 - Autopatch enable
>  *  10 - Autopatch disable
>  *  11 - Link enable
>  *  12 - Link disable
>  *  13 - Query System State
>  *  14 - Change System State
>  *  15 - Scheduler Enable
>  *  16 - Scheduler Disable
>  *  17 - User functions (time, id, etc) enable
>  *  18 - User functions (time, id, etc) disable
>  *  19 - Select alternate hang timer
>  *  20 - Select standard hang timer 
>  *  21 - Enable Parrot Mode
>  *  22 - Disable Parrot Mode
>  *  23 - Birdbath (Current Parrot Cleanup/Flush)
>  *  24 - Flush all telemetry
>  *  25 - Query last node un-keyed
>  *  26 - Query all nodes keyed/unkeyed
>  *  27 - Reset DAQ minimum on a pin
>  *  28 - Reset DAQ maximum on a pin
>  *  30 - Recall Memory Setting in Attached Xcvr
>  *  31 - Channel Selector for Parallel Programmed Xcvr
>  *  32 - Touchtone pad test: command + Digit string + # to playback all digits pressed
>  *  33 - Local Telemetry Output Enable
>  *  34 - Local Telemetry Output Disable
>  *  35 - Local Telemetry Output on Demand
>  *  36 - Foreign Link Local Output Path Enable
>  *  37 - Foreign Link Local Output Path Disable
>  *  38 - Foreign Link Local Output Path Follows Local Telemetry
>  *  39 - Foreign Link Local Output Path on Demand
>  *  40 - IRLP announce Enable
>  *  41 - IRLP announce Disable
>  *  42 - Echolink announce node # only
>  *  43 - Echolink announce node Callsign only
>  *  44 - Echolink announce node # & Callsign
>  *  45 - Link Activity timer enable
>  *  46 - Link Activity timer disable
>  *  47 - Reset "Link Config Changed" Flag 
>  *  48 - Send Page Tone (Tone specs separated by parenthesis)
>  *  49 - Disable incoming connections (control state noice)
>  *  50 - Enable incoming connections (control state noicd)
>  *  51 - Enable sleep mode
>  *  52 - Disable sleep mode
>  *  53 - Wake up from sleep
>  *  54 - Go to sleep
>  *  55 - Parrot Once if parrot mode is disabled
>  *
>  *
>  * ilink cmds:
>  *
>  *  1 - Disconnect specified link
>  *  2 - Connect specified link -- monitor only
>  *  3 - Connect specified link -- tranceive
>  *  4 - Enter command mode on specified link
>  *  5 - System status
>  *  6 - Disconnect all links
>  *  11 - Disconnect a previously permanently connected link
>  *  12 - Permanently connect specified link -- monitor only
>  *  13 - Permanently connect specified link -- tranceive
>  *  15 - Full system status (all nodes)
>  *  16 - Reconnect links disconnected with "disconnect all links"
>  *  200 thru 215 - (Send DTMF 0-9,*,#,A-D) (200=0, 201=1, 210=*, etc)
>  *
>  * remote cmds:
>  *
>  *  1 - Recall Memory MM  (*000-*099) (Gets memory from rpt.conf)
>  *  2 - Set VFO MMMMM*KKK*O   (Mhz digits, Khz digits, Offset)
>  *  3 - Set Rx PL Tone HHH*D*
>  *  4 - Set Tx PL Tone HHH*D* (Not currently implemented with DHE RBI-1)
>  *  5 - Link Status (long)
>  *  6 - Set operating mode M (FM, USB, LSB, AM, etc)
>  *  100 - RX PL off (Default)
>  *  101 - RX PL On
>  *  102 - TX PL Off (Default)
>  *  103 - TX PL On
>  *  104 - Low Power
>  *  105 - Med Power
>  *  106 - Hi Power
>  *  107 - Bump Down 20 Hz
>  *  108 - Bump Down 100 Hz
>  *  109 - Bump Down 500 Hz
>  *  110 - Bump Up 20 Hz
>  *  111 - Bump Up 100 Hz
>  *  112 - Bump Up 500 Hz
>  *  113 - Scan Down Slow
>  *  114 - Scan Down Medium
>  *  115 - Scan Down Fast
>  *  116 - Scan Up Slow
>  *  117 - Scan Up Medium
>  *  118 - Scan Up Fast
>  *  119 - Transmit allowing auto-tune
>  *  140 - Link Status (brief)
>  *  200 thru 215 - (Send DTMF 0-9,*,#,A-D) (200=0, 201=1, 210=*, etc)
>  *
>  * playback cmds:
>  *  specify the name of the file to be played globally (for example, 25=rpt/foo)
>  *
>  * localplay cmds:
>  * specify the name of the file to be played locally (for example, 25=rpt/foo)
>  *
>  * 'duplex' modes:  (defaults to duplex=2)
>  *
>  * 0 - Only remote links key Tx and no main repeat audio.
>  * 1 - Everything other then main Rx keys Tx, no main repeat audio.
>  * 2 - Normal mode
>  * 3 - Normal except no main repeat audio.
>  * 4 - Normal except no main repeat audio during autopatch only
>  *
> 73 Doug
> http://www.crompton.com/hamradio
> > Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 12:26:47 -0800
> > From: ve7did at dccnet.com
> > To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
> > Subject: [arm-allstar] Transmitter Disable
> > 
> > Still new to this so trying to find my way...
> > 
> > Have 2 nodes set up with full duplex repeater connected to each node (vhf & uhf).
> > These 2 repeaters are normally linked together. They are at different physical
> > locations.
> > 
> > Trying to figure out how to disable the transmitters at each site (independently) if
> > for some reason the repeaters are subject to abuse or interference. Also the same
> > scenario applies to the CTCCS at the sites.
> > 
> > Is there a macro or some way to control these functions?
> > 
> > Hope this makes sense.
> > 
> > ...73 Tom ve7did
> > _______________________________________________
> > 
> > arm-allstar mailing list
> > arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
> > http://lists.hamvoip.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/arm-allstar
> > 
> > Visit the BBB web page - http://www.crompton.com/hamradio/BeagleBoneBlackAllstar/
> > 
> _______________________________________________
> arm-allstar mailing list
> arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
> http://lists.hamvoip.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/arm-allstar
> Visit the BBB web page - http://www.crompton.com/hamradio/BeagleBoneBlackAllstar/
> _______________________________________________ arm-allstar mailing list arm-allstar at hamvoip.org http://lists.hamvoip.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/arm-allstar Visit the BBB web page - http://www.crompton.com/hamradio/BeagleBoneBlackAllstar/
> _______________________________________________
> arm-allstar mailing list
> arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
> http://lists.hamvoip.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/arm-allstar
> Visit the BBB web page - http://www.crompton.com/hamradio/BeagleBoneBlackAllstar/
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