[arm-allstar] Node connections at startup

James R. Pilgram jim.pilgram at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 16:03:59 EST 2014

you got a bbb hooked to the system on your end? bring up LSnodes
use http://your BBB local IP address/lsnodes/lsnodes_form.html  to bring 
it up
On 10/14/14 10:50, Doug Crompton wrote:
> I notice that in spite of its low power consumption many users operate 
> BBB nodes in an up and down fashion. That is if they only use it in 
> the evening or some other time of the day they turn it on use it for 
> awhile and then turn it off. The problem arises when you expect your 
> node to come up and be ready for a connect immediately after boot. 
> This is not always the case for a number of reasons. Here is what 
> happens at boot.
> The Linux OS boots rather fast, within 10 seconds or so. Approximately 
> 15-30 seconds later Asterisk starts and registers your node. If the 
> registration is successful at that point, and it usually is, the node 
> list located at /tmp/rpt_extnodes is populated with the currently 
> active nodes from allstarlink.org. This would include your node as it 
> was just registered. This is the list that Allstar uses to map nodes 
> to actual IP addresses and ports.
> OK so you then try to connect to a distant node and you get a failure. 
> Why? The reason is that the local node list only updates from 
> allstarlink.org every 10 minutes at the request of the node. If you 
> happened to register and download the node list just 10 seconds after 
> the node you were trying to connect to requested an update you would 
> have to wait 9+ minutes before that node knew about you in its next 
> update and allowed your connection. Since these windows are different 
> for each node the time to be able to connect to a specific node could 
> be seconds to almost 10 minutes.
> The answer is to not expect everything to just work at startup and if 
> you can connect to one node and not another it could likely be because 
> of this delay. Start your node and go get a cup of coffee then try to 
> connect.
> Note that this problem would probably not exist if you were just 
> rebooting a node that has been running or if the node was unregistered 
> for a short amount of time and it would not exist at all if you left 
> your BBB running.
> Because this question often comes up I will be including a message 
> about this in the next BBB release.
> *73 Doug
> http://www.crompton.com/hamradio*
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> Visit the BBB web page - http://www.crompton.com/hamradio/BeagleBoneBlackAllstar/

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