[arm-allstar] speaktext.sh

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Sun Jul 27 15:59:39 EST 2014


 I have no idea why that doesn't work as I have it working on all my BBB nodes and my PC node.

For saytime you have to add your node in the sayfile.pl code as described. Then  in the /etc/asterisk/local directory execute  saytime.pl

Try at the client prompt (asterisk -rvvv)

rpt localplay 40879 /etc/asterisk/local/node-id

Replace the 40879 with your node. It must be a node on the same server and make sure it is the radio node. This only comes out on the radio.

73 Doug

Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 15:15:39 -0400
From: kp4tr.ramon at gmail.com
To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org
Subject: Re: [arm-allstar] speaktext.sh



      For some reason only "playback" works. "localplay" does not. The
      node I'm connecting to is the local server and is connected to a
      radio port and defined in the iax client. 


      I looked at the saytime.pl script and doesn't work either. I
      changed the perl script to use playfile thru my local node, and it
      does work.


      When I configured the BBB the first time, I used the configuration
      settings as-is, only changing the predefined node to my local node
      and changing passwords etc. The node works fine, it just the
      localplay that doesn't.


      I am currently using usbradio for now.



      On 7/27/2014 2:27 PM, Doug Crompton wrote:



             Localplay ONLY plays through the node that is specified and
          it does key and unkey the TX. Perhaps the node you specified
          is not connected to a local radio or iaxrpt client? localplay
          ONLY works in the server it is running on. You can localplay
          another Allstar servers TX even if it is on your local LAN.


          I don't undersatand why it is not working for you. I use
          localplay all the time for weather and other announcements. If
          you want to play to more than one local node just specify the
          statement multiple times with the different nodes and the same
          file name.


          The saytime script in /etc/asterisk/local that I wrote uses
          localplay to play the time based on a cron schedule.

        73 Doug





          Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:57:06 -0400

          From: kp4tr.ramon at gmail.com

          To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org

          Subject: Re: [arm-allstar] speaktext.sh




            If I use "localplay" it does not work. I get no audio.


            If I use "playback" it works, but the radio does not key up.
            I have to use "susb key" to get the radio to TX.



            On 7/26/2014 6:17 PM, Ron Wenig wrote:



            That's good to know about playback and localplay.


            73, Ron NY3J


            On 7/26/2014 5:43 PM, Doug
              Crompton wrote:

              I looked at
                  the script and it looks good but one word of warning
                  he is using playfile and not localplay to play the
                  files. This sends it out globally to all connected
                  nodes and not just your local computer. You also do
                  not need to key and unkey the TX, localplay does that
                  for you.




                  asterisk -rx "susb key"

                  asterisk -rx "rpt playback $2 ${LOCALSND}"

                  asterisk -rx "susb unkey"


                  should be this for local playback...


                  asterisk -rx "rpt localplay $2 ${LOCALSND}"


                73 Doug





                  Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014
                  17:13:17 -0400

                  From: rwenig at verizon.net

                  To: arm-allstar at hamvoip.org

                  Subject: Re: [arm-allstar] speaktext.sh




                  Never mind, Google fixed it.  I guess the problem was
                  using WinSCP to copy the program.  Issuing the command
                  :set fileformat=unix in VI fixed it.  It works
                    great.  Can't wait to see the next phase of the


                    73, Ron NY3J


                  On 7/26/2014 4:55 PM,
                    Ron Wenig wrote:

                    Hi Ramon,


                    I hope you don't mind but I wanted to give your
                    shellscript a try.  I'm just learning Linux so I may
                    be over my head in this.  It's my test node so I'm
                    not worried about breaking it.  


                    I copied your shellscript to /etc/asterisk/local
                    then issued chmod 755 speaktext.sh.  When I run the
                    script I get the following:


                    [root at bbb-digital local]# ./speaktext.sh
                    "" 40892

                    -bash: ./speaktext.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter:
                    No such file or directory


                    Let me know if it's an easy fix for me.  If it's too
                    involved I'll stick to more basic stuff :-)


                    73, Ron NY3J


                    On 7/26/2014 12:02
                      PM, (KP4TR)Ramon Gonzalez wrote:



                        Attached is a shellscript I wrote based on the
                        questions I had about making the radio transmit
                        and sending speech.


                        I'm using this to output information from my
                        local environment using another script that
                        fetches this for me from DTMF commands. That
                        other script is yet to be written but I do have
                        it for IRLP. Just need to adapt it to Allstar.


                        To use just enter text in quotes and the node to
                        send it to. It is still a work in progress but


                        Example syntax is:


                        ./speaktext.sh "IP" 28727




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