[arm-allstar] BBB processing limits

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Mon Jul 7 22:48:05 EST 2014

I want to encourage experimentation with the BBB and Allstar but also understand that the BBB is not a 4 core 3+GHz processor. You can't take a multi-radio heavily used server and put in on a single BBB. At least not with good results. I have stressed in the past that using multiple BBB's rather than multiple sound FOBs on one BBB is a much better choice. I have heard talk in the last few days of putting two usbradio ports on one BBB. While I wish it would work realistically I don't think it will with good results. I even have my doubts about using only one usbradio port on the BBB. If it works for you and it has good audio then go for it but I don't want the BBB getting a reputation of having bad audio because it is being used in a way it is just not capable of handling. Again I am all for experimentation but please don't put a system online that is not up to Allstar standards.    
73 Doug
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