[arm-allstar] Beagle Bone issues

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Mon Dec 22 19:15:14 EST 2014


 The sip module is not loaded in the latest release. This is for security reasons since most don't use it. Comment out (put a semicolon) before the noload=chan_sip.conf in modules.conf

I know you didn't ask this questions but there is a simple fix for the phone portal not working which will be in the next release. You need to comment out or remove  ilbc in the  allstar-public and allstar-sys contexts in iax.conf

Remember that if you make changes in the rpt, extensions, or iax files they will be overwritten when you run node-setup.sh another time. See instructions at the beginning of those files.

The gps module is also commented out. Again since many don't use it. Do the same as for sip for for noload=app_gps.so in modules.conf

Restart asterisk after making those changes.

You should probably ask BBB questions in the arm-allstar email list not on app_rpt.  That arm-allstar list is specific to the BBB.


I hope that helps. I am copying this to the arm-allstar list so others may benefit.

73 Doug

From: EUglum at aol.com
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:42:10 -0500
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Beagle Bone DTMF issues
To: doug at crompton.com

  Very good. Thanks for the help! The Pentium 4 to BBB transfer has 
gone very smoothly thanks to your image file and 
documentation. Echolink.conf worked immediately after editing and restart. 
The last couple minor issues:
1. My SIP phone (Zoiper software on a smart phone) which worked well on the 
old P4 server, is still able to connect to the BBB nodes and PTT but 
no audio or telemetry is passed either direction. Codec problem? 
 2. I copied the old gps.conf file to the new system but it 
doesn't seem to be enabled? (It used to place an icon on the aprs.fi 
-Eric (KB6BZZ)

In a message dated 12/22/2014 1:10:45 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
doug at crompton.com writes:


 Glad to hear you got it going. 
  plfilter when activated applies a highpass filter to help to eliminate 
  incoming PL tones. They are not so noticable on a handheld but would be very 
  objectionable on an iaxrpt connection with full range speakers. 

  From: EUglum at aol.com
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:24:43 -0500
Subject: Re: 
  [App_rpt-users] Beagle Bone DTMF issues
To: doug at crompton.com

    Thanks Doug! De-emphasis was set backward on the 900 repeater. 
  DTMF works like magic now. Just for my own education, what does plfilter do? 
  Many Thx!
  -Eric (KB6BZZ) 
  In a message dated 12/22/2014 9:33:10 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
  doug at crompton.com writes:
    My thinking is your 
    problem is either levels or maybe you are running non deemphasized audio 
    with simpleusb causing unequal tome levels. If so you need to program the 
    Motorola for deemphasized audio out OR set the  deemphasis=yes  in 
    simpleusb.conf.  You should also run plfilter=on which is the 

Skewed equalization can definitely cause poor or no DTMF 
    decoding. The radio relaxed should have nothing to do with 
The BBB DTMF decoding works fine if the levels and 
    equalization are correct out of the radio.

YHou also need to use 
    preemphasis going into the Motorola with simpleusb or your audio will sound 
    flat (lacking high-end) at the other rx end. There is no SW setting for 


    From: EUglum at aol.com
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:57:29 -0500
    app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Subject: [App_rpt-users] Beagle Bone DTMF 

       I just successfully installed Doug's 
    (WA3DSP) Beagle Bone Black installation on a two node repeater system using 
    two URI's and a Belkin 4 port USB hub in an attempt to remove my power 
    hungry old P4 rack server from All Star service. Everything seems to be 
    running well on the BBB with only 14% CPU usage on stand by (2 nodes) 
    and little to no audio distortion while testing. 
      I am having a heck of a time getting either node to 
    reliably decode DTMF especially when using Motorola transceivers. 
    (On the old P4 server, the DTMF decoded remarkably well using any 
    radio...) I have been looking at the old P4 config files and comparing them 
    to the BBB config in an attempt to see what has changed... Doug has "radio 
    relax" turned off by default (normally on by default in the acid release). 
    Is this relevant? Thanks!
    -Eric (KB6BZZ) 

    App_rpt-users mailing list App_rpt-users at ohnosec.org 
    http://ohnosec.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/app_rpt-users To unsubscribe 
    from this list please visit 
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