[Arm-allstar-irlp] Experimental Reflectors

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Mon Apr 16 00:22:22 EST 2018

Update #3 ....Okay, I found a copy of imike for the x86 and this is 
working for experimentation!  No need for packet dumps, etc., at this 

73, David KB4FXC

On Sun, 15 Apr 2018, David McGough wrote:

> Update #2 to my original post. I found a bug in the chan_irlp code which
> caused the IRLP node info to be truncated at 6 bytes, rather than 7 bytes.  
> So, this caused a node ID like: stn3787 to show up as: stn378....I fixed
> this, but the experimental reflector connection problem persists.  Now,
> while the connection is "in progress" the node ID now shows up correctly
> on the exp reflector. But, the connection never completes---probably some 
> hand-shake is missing or incorrect.
> I can't get the "real" imike program to run on my system, it's complaining 
> about GPIO (file not found or something) not working. Before imike 
> terminates, it does send a UDP packet on port 2075 to the exp reflector. 
> This packet has similarity to what gets sent from chan_irlp, but, many 
> fields are different....Anyone got the source code to imike??? Or, a 
> working IRLP system, which will connect to exp reflectors, where I can get 
> some packet dumps from the traffic on UDP port 2075 during a 
> successful connection???
> Thanks,
> 73, David KB4FXC

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