[Arm-allstar-irlp] IRLP up and running great

Lawrence Roney roney at chiarappa.com
Tue Apr 3 22:57:49 EST 2018

For what it’s worth, I just realized that I forgot a step in the setup instructions...


I forgot to add the export line to /usr/local/etc/allstar.env

IRLP still came up at boot time.  At least it worked calling outbound with *38xxxx






From: Arm-allstar-irlp <arm-allstar-irlp-bounces at hamvoip.org> On Behalf Of Doug Crompton
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 8:45 PM
To: arm-allstar-irlp at hamvoip.org
Subject: Re: [Arm-allstar-irlp] IRLP up and running great



   Great to hear of your success. The problem you had was because of an prior Supermon release that created that directory and file. The latest Supermon update no longer does that. So what you did you correct the problem was right.  Looking forward to your continued input.

73 Doug





On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 10:52 PM, Lawrence Roney <roney at chiarappa.com <mailto:roney at chiarappa.com> > wrote:



Just got my IRLP configured.  It’s WORKING GREAT and came right up after the first reboot!


The only install issue I had was with pacman showing a file conflict when I tried installing the package.  


error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

hamvoip-irlp-support: /home/irlp/log exists in filesystem


Apparently, I had /home/irlp/log/messages already on my system.  The file’s text was nothing more than, “IRLP is currently not installed"


I did an rm -rf /home/irlp

Then re-ran pacman -Sy hamvoip-irlp-support


I followed the remaining setup instructions and everything worked fine.


Thanks to Doug, Paul and Dave for all of your work on this!




Lawrence – N6YFN

Henderson, NV


From: Arm-allstar-irlp <arm-allstar-irlp-bounces at hamvoip.org <mailto:arm-allstar-irlp-bounces at hamvoip.org> > On Behalf Of Doug Crompton
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 2:21 PM
To: arm-allstar-irlp at hamvoip.org <mailto:arm-allstar-irlp at hamvoip.org> 
Subject: [Arm-allstar-irlp] Howto


I am attaching the hotwo again with a few slight changes. More detail on copying your key and a note that when configuration is complete you should reboot your server.

Please give us input on how your configuration is going!

73 Doug




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